Hey! Look everybody. Yellowstone National Park’s very own Tom & Jerry were spotted this past winter having one of their classic ‘cat and mouse’ chases!

I seriously couldn’t help but to compare this pine marten chasing a red squirrel to the classic Tom and Jerry cartoons. It’s just comical that the pine marten keeps chasing this squirrel around and around this tree almost endlessly.  You’d think he would eventually give up, or try a new tactic?

I once had a boss tell me- “Doing something over and over again expecting different results is the definition of insanity.”, and while Meriam-Webster might disagree with her she’s not completely wrong. 😆

“We were snowmobiling in Yellowstone Park in February, and at the end of the day heading back to West Yellowstone, a crowd of snowmobilers was stopped watching a Pine Martin attempting to catch and eat a red squirrel. We watched the chase for 45 minutes. The entire town was talking about it the next morning.”

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