Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment officials have announced nine people in Aspen tested “presumptive positive” for coronavirus on Wednesday, making the world-famous ski town the site of the state’s largest outbreak cluster.
The Aspen Times reports Skico officials were informed by the CDPHE on Wednesday that a guest in The Little Nell has tested presumptive positive for the coronavirus. The state health department didn’t specifically notify Skico of the test result of the other person in the hotel room, but the presumption is that person was exposed to the virus, as well.
Skico will rely on health officials to determine how long the couple will remain in quarantine and isolation. The couple is currently quarantined at the hotel and being fed by placing food outside their room. The food is served in disposable containers.
The Incident Management Team would not disclose the locations of the remaining individuals in isolation.
DENVER, March 11, 2020: The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) confirmed six new presumptive positive cases in Pitkin County, based on test results received this afternoon. That brings the total number of presumptive positive cases to 33, with one indeterminate case that public health is treating as a presumptive positive. The state lab has completed test results on approximately 300 people in Colorado since testing started on February 28.
All six individuals are part of a social circle of people who had contact with a woman who was visiting Aspen and returned home to Australia, where she tested positive for COVID-19 last week. All six of these new cases are Australians visiting Pitkin County. State officials will share more information at a press conference at 5 p.m. today at the Governor’s Office.
Case 1:
Gender: Female
Age: 60’s
County: Pitkin
Exposure: Contact with infected individual
Case 2:
Gender: Male
Age: 60s
County: Pitkin
Exposure: Contact with infected individual
Case 3:
Gender: Male
Age: 60s
County: Pitkin
Exposure: Contact with infected individual
Case 4:
Gender: Male
Age: 60s
County: Pitkin
Exposure: Contact with infected individual
Case 5:
Gender: Male
Age: 70s
County: Pitkin
Exposure: Contact with infected individual
Case 6:
Gender: Male
Age: 60s
County: Pitkin
Exposure: Contact with infected individual
To ensure expedience on reporting presumptive positive cases, the state will provide overall testing statistics as soon as we are able on the website. Continue to stay up to date by visiting