“You’d think the competition was a debate about if the wall should be built or not and in what conditions it couldn’t be climbed. The President said it couldn’t be climbed. Period. And now we know if can. Period. It would be like telling a shooter “I bet you can’t shoot that from 1000m” and not expecting them to try.” –Rick Weber

As reported last week, a climbing competition was held on a replica border wall in Kentucky over the weekend to challenge the claim that it was “Impossible to climb” and “The federal government tested the structure by having 20 skilled mountain climbers attempt to climb it, and no one could.” 

Turns out it wasn’t quite the challenge you might have thought given the claims made by the administration (8-year-old Lucy Hancock scaled it). This is a simple post about a wall and a climbing competition. Which side of the immigration debate you stand on doesn’t change the results of the competition.

Here’s 8 year old Lucy Hancock from South Carolina making over:

Watch this dude juggle while he scales it:

Here’s the story behind the competition:

President Trump has stated his border wall design featuring a series of parallel square steel posts with a 5-foot-high plate at the top is “Impossible to climb” and “The federal government tested the structure by having 20 skilled mountain climbers attempt to climb it, and no one could.” Rock & Ice reports a dude in Kentucky took issue with that claim and decided to put it to the test:

“No one in our climbing community knows any of these 20 mountaineers. I doubt if they exist. More importantly, to declare something to be impossible to climb to a bonafide rock climber is to issue a challenge. So, I decided to build an exact replica and hold a competition.” -Rick Weber

images from rick weber FBkarla.r.hancock FB