There’s a lot to unpack from the powder panic that plagued the Wasatch Mountains this past week. And while you can argue who got the deepest turn of the storm, it’s without a doubt that the biggest loser was 21 year-old, Nathan Sheffield Harrison.
According to court documents, Sheffield got so frustrated with the parking (*or lack thereof) at Brighton, that he got into an actual physical altercation with a police officer.
The story goes something like this according to The Officer On The Scene:
“At approximately 1015 hours, the AP was driving towards Brighton Ski Resort. The Ski Resort was very busy and the parking lot was completely full. Parking lot attendants had closed the parking lot and were turning the vehicles around because the lot was full. They utilize multiple cones and signs stating the parking lot is full. TheAP was continuously honking his horn as he approached the loop to turn around. I approached the AP’s car and asked him why he was honking his horn. The AP began yelling and screaming that he had a season pass to ski and that I needed to let him through. I told him to stop honking his horn and that he would have to turn around like all the other drivers. The AP rolled up his window and drove straight towards the signs and cones blocking the road. A parking attendant stepped in front of his vehicle yelling at him to stop. The AP continued to drive forward. I banged on the AP’s window multiple times yelling at him to stop his car. The AP stopped his car after the attendant slapped the hood of his car.
I told the AP to roll his window down multiple times which he did not comply. The AP sat in his car yelling, screaming, and waving his arms around. AP was obstructing traffic and was not following any of my commands.I opened the AP’s door and yelled for him to turn his car, continue through the loop and head down the mountain. The AP immediately grabbed my coat and began pulling me into his vehicle. I yelled for him to exit the vehicle at which time he began pulling and swinging his arms around hitting me multiple times. I disconnected his seatbelt and pulled him out of the vehicle. The AP began swinging closed fists at me and screaming something unintelligible. I attempted to get the AP to the ground but was unsuccessful. The AP continued swinging at me. I delivered multiple distraction blows to the AP’s jaw and face. This did not have the desired affect as the AP continued to strike me. I was able to take the AP to the ground at this time. I was attempting to use ground control techniques and pin him to the ground. I then felt the AP reaching and
grabbing the holster to my gun. I believed he was attempting to disarm me. Multiple witnesses confirmed his attempt and have filled out statements. Still attempting to control him on the ground, the AP was able to roll me over and push my head and chest into a nearby snow bank. The snow was very deep and I was completely unable to breath as he pushed my head into the snow. I could not see or breath at this time. I covered my firearm with one hand and was able to kick the AP off of me. I got up, called for immediate assistance on the radio and drew my gun on the AP. I told the AP to lie on the ground but he did not comply. The AP squatted on the ground. I holstered my weapon and reengaged the AP. I was able to control his head and one arm. I held him on the ground in this position until a backing unit arrived. The backing officer was able to place the AP in hand cuffs as I stabilized him on the ground. Once in hand cuffs the AP Continued to struggle, he tried to pull and break the handcuffs.”
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Sheffield has been accused of attempting to disarm an officer as well as assault, and a few others that might or might not be worth noting… I’m not a lawyer.