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Tragic news is coming out of the California after the oldest living park ranger was attacked and robbed at her home in Richmond California reports KTVU.
94 year-old, Betty Reid Soskin was sleeping in her bedroom on Monday when an intruder woke her, punched her in the face several times, and left with her cellphone, iPad, laptop, and a coin given to her by President Barack Obama. Soskin, who works an an interpretive ranger at theRosie the Riveter World War II Home Front National Historical Park, was given the coin by the president after introducing him at the ceremonial Christmas tree lighting at the White House.
Soskin told KTVU, “I fully expected he was going to kill me. He doubled up his fist and hit me a couple of times on the sides of my face with all his might.” The park ranger claims she is not a victim and refuses to be intimated out of working in the area.
Find the entire KTVU article here: 94-year-old Richmond woman attacked & robbed of Obama issued commemorative coin