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WATCH: Could This Electric Bike Do What TESLA Did For The Electric Car?

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 VanMoof bikes of Amesterdam is set to make its US debut this year and hopes to revolutionize the world of E-Bikes much the same way TESLA did for electric cars. With the vast majority of engineers in the bike industry are dedicated to racing and mountain biking, VanMoof has gone in a different direction, trying to improve city bikes to make daily commutes more manageable.

Their flagship model, the Electrified S, is equipped with an electric motor and embedded radios that can help track down the bike in a theft.  It’s not fully electric so pedaling is required but the motor will assist you like a steady tailwind making going uphill or covering large distances easier.

The Electrified S starts at $2,498 so just like TESLA their are on the high end price wise but hopefully if they are a success they will become widely available and get a bit cheaper.

If you’re interested in buying one yourself go HERE.

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