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UVM Students Trying To Organize Official Freeski House

Many of the kids that wind up at school in Vermont were drawn there by the allure of a college lifestyle that includes easy access skiing along with a friendly social and academic atmosphere.  So why not give those ski-centric students a place to live and congregate where like minded people can enjoy the college experience together? That is exactly what these students at UVM are trying to do.

Here is what the organizers have to say about the Freeski House:

“The Living/ Learning Freeskiing House is a themed living environment for students with a passion for freestyle and freeride skiing, and a desire to progress their skills and knowledge of the sport. Designed for students interested in getting started in freeskiing, students with a desire to build on their already practiced abilities, or students with a strong drive to continue the sport at a professional level, the Freeski house is a place where students can safely work together to achieve their goals. Organized and directed by two passionate skiers, interested in all aspects of the sport, as well as theirs and others progression, the Freeski house will be a welcoming and supportive environment for all interested. Revolving around personal progression and short/ long-term goals, ski safety, and different forms of ski media, the Freeski house will organize events for members, and non-members to enjoy the sport, and the thriving culture around it. As a house we will premier ski films to get members excited and enthusiastic, invite local professional skiers and company founders, and promote safety through increased knowledge in ski equipment and informational sessions on proper ski etiquette. Organized ski outings will keep members enthusiastic and focused on overall house goals. By teaming up with college sponsored associations, such as UVM Ski and Snowboard Club, and the UVM Freestyle Ski Team the Freeski house will be able to help organize ski outreach events on campus, for all UVM students. The Freeski Living/ Learning house will help members progress their skiing abilities, and overall knowledge of the sport, while providing a productive academic environment. The Freeski House is a safe environment for all UVM student!”

… part of UVM, no one knows what UVM stands for.

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