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Just outside of Lake Elsinore, California, a 36-year-old man by the name of Alex Gomex picked up a snake, placed it around his neck, and took a selfie.
Really? Yes, Really…
Once he snapped the photo, the snake went into a frenzy, and proceeded to bite him on the hand reports KCAL 9 news. Immediately his hand swelled and he started to feeling the neurological effects within the rest of his body. Currently, there is a chance that Gomez might lose his hand due to the snakebite.
According to Gomez’s nephew Ronnie, “It was really thick and had ten rattles on it, it was rattling.” He then said it was obvious that, “It was pretty mad.”
In the meantime, Gomez is very embarrassed to say the least. His mother, who he advised to not speak with the media about the incident declined his request and is instead trying to teach him a lesson.
“I told him the news people had been calling” his mother told reporters. “He said ‘Mom, you better not’, and I said ‘I’m going to’. I’m going to teach him a real good lesson when he gets home. No mercy for him.”
Bottomline, the Darwin Award will chalk this one up to a loss.
This is the second time in the past two months where a man has been bitten by a rattle snake while taking a selfie.
Read the previous article here: Man Bite By A Rattlesnake He Was Trying To Take A Selfie With Gets $150K Medical Bill