Screen Shot 2015-01-08 at 10.31.17 AM

Map of current snow depth 


This week brought heavy snow to the Tetons (Targhee, JHMR), Montana, Idaho, and a good portion of Interior BC (Revelstoke had 36 inches in the 7 days).  Snow densities were very light early in the storm cycle (Blower in Montana, and the Tetons last Sunday).  Warm air and significant wind increased avalanche danger, snow densities and created some spring like conditions at many resorts late in the storm cycle. One exception may have been Western Idaho where temperatures remained slightly colder. Currently snow is falling in the Midwest with bitterly cold temps and some lake effect (Mt. Bohemia-MI).

The week ahead will feature light snow for interior BC, Saturday moving over northern Idaho andMontana by Sunday morning.  The Wasatch and a most of Western Colorado will also see some light snow. A quick 3-6 inches is likely under NW flow (MT, ID)  with 2-5 inches possible for theTetons (Sunday).  Light snow might linger in the Tetons on Monday with the next storm system on it’s heals headed for the Wasatch and 4 corners.

Next Week features a teaser storm for the Wasatch on Monday/Tuesday (Light- moderate) that moves into the 4 corners.  Models are still hinting at a chance of moderate to heavy snow for areas near Flagstaff, Taos, Wolf Creek, and Durango on Tuesday/Wednesday.  Temperatures will be fairly warm so expect higher snow levels.   This storm deserves a possible Powder Watch especially Tuesday PM and Wednesday.


We can’t put too much weight on long term models.   I will say that the trend appears that a decent storm might move into the central Cascades late next week and drop south towards the Sierra.  Longer term models are showing a trend for higher moisture for the Sierra, Wasatch, and a large area of the West for the extended forecast (January 17-24). The models show some open troughs under a zonal flow that may impact several areas of the West. Hopefully that trend continues?

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