Jackie Paaso in Las Leñas (Photo by GP Martin)
Tim Dutton About to Tee Off in the Las Leñas Slackcountry (Photo by GP Martin)
Walking back to the Village of Las Leñas from another backcountry adventure (Photo by, Erik the Swede)
Road to Valle Nevado, Chile (Photo by GP Martin)
Skiing the western side of the Andes in Nevados de Chillan (Photo by GP Martin)
John ‘Goggle Tan’ Karlström eyeing down the greatest meat in the world. (Photo by, Erik the Swede)
Mike Hattrup Enjoying some South American Powder (Photo by GP Martin)
Chilling in a hot tub at Hotel Mission Impossible near Nevados de Chillan (Photo by GP Martin)
‘Road Run’ at El Colorado (Photo by GP Martin)
Skiing off the Valcano Chair in Las Leñas, Argentina (Photo by GP Martin)
Nevados de Chillan (Photo by GP Martin)
Rock, Wind and Snow – Welcome to the Andes (Photo by George Davison)
Tim Dutton Sending a Big Backfil in Las Leñas, Argentina (Photo by GP Martin)
Bluebird and Powder – Las Leñas, Argentina
Getting Ready for a Day of Powder Skiing, Las Leñas
Another Mission into the Andes (Photo by, Erik the Swede)