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What is up with Jaded Locals ?

jaded local
Typical Jaded Local steez

So I am from Canada eh!  Where I am from people are chill, nobody really gets on anyone’s case for living their lives.  Creativity, difference, and originality is what we as Canadians respect and honour.  I admit we all need to prostitute our bodies and brains out in some form or fashion to make a living.  Nobody makes it for free, unless you are some sort of “trustafarian” or on EI or UI or you are a bum, either way you need to pay the piper.  With that said, there are a lot of you AMER-A CANS that are awfully mad about the silliest of things.  The jaded types you know, passive aggressive.

Like blaming a single person for the expansion and progression of a ski resort, blaming the Internet for your lack of POW turns, calling someone a “sell-out” or “corporate” because they have stickers on their helmet or decided to make a career out of something they love.  Being too slow, not chargin enough, or just being from UTAH, that agro-shit has got to go eh! Take right off with that elbows on the traverse crap.  My theory is that these angry people have a lot more than snow activities to be mad about.  Here is a bullet list of the main reasons people deflect their anger on chill innocent bystanders when recreating on snow:

Also, I am not sure but isn’t skiing and snowboarding a recreational activity meant to bring joy to our lives eh?  In Canada nobody would ever fight you for pow turns, or the only girl in a ski town (well maybe), that shit is for non-locals and EURO’s that need to feel self-assured right eh?  We would just say take off eh, and move on.  We got health insurance so it’s all good.



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