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5 Tips for Choosing Music to Ride With.

5 Tips for Choosing Music to Ride With.

-by Jackie Baum

You’re off to another average day on the slopes of Whistler. The snow report appears less than spectacular–particularly after your spoiled days of early season powder–so what’s going to add a bit more excitement to this typical day? The perfect shredding playlist.

Whether you’ll be dominating the peaks, racing through trees, or hitting the park, here’s a few tips for creating the ideal on-the-mountain soundtrack:

1)  Variety is key. While we all have those periods of addiction to one band or another, by the end of the day I guarantee you will be revolted by that monotonous new age pop album you stuck on repeat. Try a minimum of five artists, possibly more depending on the size of your collection and range of genres. You definitely don’t want to be that guy who lost a glove (or iPod for that matter) because your ears were going to start bleeding if you didn’t change your music on the lift.

2)  You can never go wrong with a fast tempo. If an upbeat song starts pumping through your headphones, that musical adrenalin rush will encourage you to start carving turns into the mountain at a quicker pace too. Most typical rock songs will satisfy this requirement, of course, but perhaps try branching out a little. Ska bands, for example, feature racing horn lines and drum beats that will keep you flying down the slopes with a slap-happy grin on your face. Don’t believe me? Check out Streetlight Manifesto or Reel Big Fish to see for yourself.

3)  The more the merrier. Be sure to add enough tracks to last through the entirety of your day on the slopes. Repeating songs quickly becomes obnoxious, whereas the worst case scenario of an extensive playlist is a few unplayed songs for the drive home.

4)  Don’t underrate the mellow. I know you’ve been saving those Bon Iver and Jack Johnson tracks for another melancholy, overcast day in Vancouver, but try sneaking a few in between other fast-paced tunes. You’ll be delightfully pleased to find how well it compliments those astounding views you find at the top of the chairlift.

5)  Throw in a classic hit. You certainly don’t want to spend the entire day listening to old pop charts, but a mid-day flash back will take your mind off of the fog that’s creeping in. Beware: whether it be “Bohemian Rhapsody” or the Backstreet Boys, singing on the slopes will probably incite mocking laughter.

With this in mind you’re sure to have an awesome day. Happy shredding!

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