Kelly Sildaru, Finn Finestone, Aspen Spora… hang it up, you’re over the hill. Competition is fierce in the world of freeride skiing and snowboarding, which is why you best get to it at an early age. When did you first learn to pizza and french fry or cloverleaf to the bottom w/o spraining a wrist? At the age of 4, maybe 3? Ha, that’s nothing. Meet Ava Marie, 1 year old, born to shred. Perhaps barely nimble enough to walk on her own yet has enough balance to glide and stop on a snowboard. I wouldn’t be all that surprised if she has already inked a deal with Burton – can you sign with finger paint?
What’s next for Ava? How about something more practical, like potty-training (no, that’s not a new trick). I think she wants pow like the rest of us – she’ll be thigh deep with just 6” – jealous! Actually, I think I saw her boosting out of the Super Pipe a couple days ago (I’ll try to poach some shots). Actually, what’s next for Ava is snowblindness if her parents don’t get her some eye protection. Oakley?
PS: You haven’t seen this video!? Where’ve you been!? This thing has over 1.2 million views on YouTube! Already seen Ava shred at age 1? Watch Ava shred at age 2 (getting that sponsor-me reel going at a young age, aren’t we).