JP Auclair is back

If you haven’t already seen this video, watch it.  If you have already seen this video, watch it again.

This is now one of the most viral videos that skiing has ever produced.

This was exactly what skiing needed.  Something unique to get us fired up about skiing despite the bizarre early season conditions.  “Perfect timing,” some might say.  Others may say “right place, right time.”  But, they mean the same thing, don’t they.  The music is spot on and matches every frame flawlessly.  I’m a huge LCD Soundsystem freak and this wont’ be the last you hear of them on this site.

Regardless of you stance on skiing (park vs big mountain vs urban vs freestyle vs racing vs hooky bobbing) you simply have to appreciate this video.

Thanks JP and Sherpa Cinemas.  Helluva segment.  It’s my favorite.

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