Approximation of snow line this morning
Approximation of snow line this morning
Approximation of snow line this morning
Our best guess at snow line this morning

Condtions here in Cerro Catedral are still in the process of being refreshed.  The mountain was closed yesterday due to some nice wintery weather.   The upper mountain remained closed today, but employees who had been up to the top yesterday reported that there was an excess of 70 centimeters of blower that had already fallen. Tack on the snowfall from last night and flurries throughout today and things ought to be a bit on the deep side once mother nature finishes doing her good deed.

This morning Sextuple was Conditional, and likely served up some sloppy face shots.  But with snow levels bouncing back and forth from high to higher, we’re going to have to wait to get up top to really get after the light dry pow that elevation gain promises.

A few brave peatones heading into the abyss
A few brave peatones heading into the abyss

And that’s not all.  There’s more snow to come tonight coupled with low overnight temps. Forecasts are calling for an additional 10 centimeters of snowfall tonight, meaning things are going to continue piling up at Catedral.  I think it’s safe to say that the best conditions in South America are still currently right here in Bariloche.

Completely closed yesterday and shutting down again today Catedral is lining up to be smooth, fast, and deep in the coming days.  Stay tuned!!

Sun trying to poke through before winter settled back in
Mr. Sunshine trying to poke through before winter settled back in

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