Today was supposed to be clear. Weather forecasts are extremely unreliable down here because, well hell, because we’re in Patagonia and there isn’t much land between two enormous cold wintery oceans. Instead of blue we had a full on white out. It wasn’t snowing much but the cloud deck was low and the temperatures were damn cold.
Luckily we hooked up with Mauri from SGT and were shown the secret Lenga tree skiing goods. Nothing insane, but damn fun considering the white out and lack of snowpack down low.
Tomorrow is supposed to be clear again. This time it will be clear. We are going out Argie style. Dinner at 11:30 then a few drinks. This way we’ll be worked, hung-over, under-slept, and useless at 7am tomorrow guaranteeing bluebird perfect conditions.
Regardless of when it clears, it’s going to be especacular.