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Wednesday Night World’s at Catamount

So every cycling community has them, week night races that everyone from the seasoned World Cupper, local Pros, and elite amateurs mix its up. They are normally called the “worlds” because of how serious some choose to take them. The races most local to Stowe are held at Catamount Outdoor Center in Williston.

In this particular week a breed of girl power know as kick ass was unleashed upon the field by Leah Davison. She pretty much took off from the start and was never to be seen again.  I wish I could say I was her caliper of rider and got some footage of her, but simply I am not, in fact noone was that night. Cheers to getting chicked the men of Catamount’s wednesday night worlds.

Hope to see some of you guys out there crushing it Catamount soon.  There are class for all ages and abilities.

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