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The Peruvian Lodge: One Great Place

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Powder, Snowbird, Snowbird Powder, Skiing, Skiing Video, Snowboarding, Snowboarding Video, Tram, Tram Deck, Sending, Cliffs Jumping, Cliff Skiing, Snow, Snow Sports, Sick Powder, Ski, Powder Ski, Snow Skiing, Little Cottonwood, Ski Movie, Snowboard Movie, Ski Terrain, Weather Report, Condition Report, Snow Report, Skiing Report, Lodging, Alta Ski Lodging, Ski Lodging, Lodge, Cliff Jumping, Tram Skiing, Happy Skiing, Fun, Awesome video, Awesome Skiing

So when you are planning your trip to ski in Little Cottonwood Canyon you have many options on where you can stay. You can stay in Salt Lake City and deal with the morning commute to the mountain. As any local can tell you this commute can be brutal on a storm day. You can also stay at Snowbird in the Cliff Lodge or one of the many condo options there. Or…You can stay at one of the funky lodges at Alta.

I would strongly recommend the third option. You will be just a few steps from the lift on a powder morning and you will get the true experience of LCC. One option if you go this route is the Peruvian lodge.

Here is the quick rundown:

The rooms are generally not the best here, but the prices are very fair compared to other lodging options in the canyon. If you are looking for killer rooms go to Park City or somewhere in Colorado. This canyon is about the skiing and the Peruvian Lodge sticks you right in the middle of it all.

The Ski Shop at the Peruvian is second to none in mounting and tuning skis. I have been a professional freeskier for nearly a decade and I don’t get my skis mounted anywhere else. If you think you can handle it ask for the “2 and 2 tune”. It is my favorite.

The Bar in the P-dog is where many of the locals form both Alta and Snowbird go to hang out after a big day on the hill. It does not open until 4:30pm, so will have to stay out skiing til the closing bell you beater. They have some free food and great prices on drinks. Say whats up to my friends Jay-Rey, Ryan, MJ, Will, Jesse Weeks, Rob Hoe and Brant Moles for me…oh wait…I guess I will be there to tell them myself. See you there.

Actual View from the bar.

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