Copper-Harbor-copperhippie brings us a look at the “20 of the Most Scenic Mountain Bike Trails in the Eastern USA“. You can vote for your favorite HERE

“Let’s be honest: it’s pretty easy to stumble upon a scenic mountain bike trail in the Western USA. Heck, as I type this I can see multiple 14,000-foot mountain peaks out my living room window. But if we were to say that the only scenic trails in the nation worth mentioning are located in the West that would be, at least in my opinion, a great disservice to the Eastern half of the nation.

While perhaps the East doesn’t offer the massive mountain vistas that the Rockies boast, eastern trails can be scenic in decidedly different ways. While it may take a little more reflection at times to appreciate the beauty in certain spots in the nation, it’s there–if only you take the time to pause and look for it.

These 20 trails all exhibit a natural beauty quite unlike the trails in the west… and that’s not a bad thing!” – 

Acadia Carriage Roads, Bar Harbor, Maine

Photo: wanderingpops

While there isn’t any bike-legal singletrack in Acadia National Park, these non-motorized gravel and dirt doubletrack paths provide a fantastic way to enjoy the beauty of Acadia from the seat of your mountain bike. -mtbgreg1

Alafia River State Park, Brandon, Florida

Photo: Jeff

The trails at Alafia skirt florescent green algae ponds and swoop through veils of Spanish Moss and soft fern gullies hidden beneath the palms. If you’re lucky, you’ll even spot a gator making its way across the trail. -jeff

Allegrippis Trails, Raystown Lake, Pennsylvania

Photo: fleetwood

Located on the shores of Raystown Lake, the Allegrippis Trails provide beautiful views of the water and a deep-forest northwoods mountain bike experience. -mtbgreg1

Bear Brook, Allenstown, New Hampshire

Photo: JacksPerson

Bear Brook provides a scenic ride in the New England Appalachians, complete with beautiful views from rock outcroppings, bubbling streams, and colorful fall foliage. -mtbgreg1

Bear Creek, Ellijay, Georgia

Photo: mtbgreg1

Thanks to dark green rhododendron tunnels, the rushing Bear Creek, one of the oldest and largest trees in the state of Georgia, and the fantastic view of Fort Mountain from the overlook at the top of the trail, it’s easy to see why Bear Creek is one of the most well-known trails in the Southeast. -mtbgreg1

Brown County State Park, Nashville, Indiana

Photo: zephxiii.

While Brown County does offer some views of the rolling Indiana hills, the true beauty is found deep beneath the branches of the deciduous forest canopy and in the gorgeous trail construction. -mtbgreg1

CAMBA, Seeley, Wisconsin

Photo: Scott Anderson

Blaze yellow aspen groves dot the landscape in fall, lending a Rocky Mountain feel to this corner of Northern Wisconsin. And if it’s snowy winter landscapes you seek, CAMBA is the place to roll your fat bike tires among towering evergreens in winter. -jeff

Copper Harbor Trails, Copper Harbor, Michigan

Photo: copperhippie.

Located on the very tip of the Keweenaw Peninsula, the Copper Harbor trails are surrounded by Lake Superior on three sides, and are located in a beautiful deep northwoods forest that’s actually at a higher latitude than most of the Canadian border. -mtbgreg1

Douthat State Park, Millboro, Virginia

Photo: Jetnjeff29er

Douthat State Park features plenty of scenic overlooks of the Blue Ridge Mountains, as well as unique rock outcroppings and historic sights. -mtbgreg1

Dupont State Forest, Brevard, North Carolina

Photo: mtbgreg1

Dupont State Forest is home to a unique slickrock bald that provides breathtaking views of the surrounding Appalachian Mountains, as well as massive waterfalls, rushing rivers, and deep forests. -mtbgreg1

Read the full list and vote for your favorite HERE

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