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Snow Depth: 122″ | 24-Hour Snowfall: 13″ | 48-Hour Snowfall: 20″

When it comes to ridiculously deep years, the 2016/2017 takes the cake for one Idaho-based ski area.

Related: The Greatest Snowfall Records of All-Time

Tamarack Resort is currently reporting a 122″ summit base-depth. That number is now the high water-mark for the resort whose previous record depth of 121″ set during the 2007/2008 ski season. Also, it doesn’t hurt knowing that 40″ of that snowfall has come in the past 4 days alone!

“March has delivered snow again and again.  In the last 24 hours we have received another 13”.  That’s 40” in the last 96 hours.” – Brad Larsen, Tamarack General Manager

While the resort is still a ways off from setting the single year snowfall record, Tamarack GM Brad Larsen is hopeful that a bountiful March and April will push Tamarack over the top. The previous record was set during the 2007/2008 season when Tamarack saw 450″ in a single season. They are currently reporting 275.5″ since November 1st.

[sigallery id=”SqDasMitArEpX9FuTLoUxF” title=”Tamarack’s Record Breaking Season” type=”sigallery”]

[All photos courtesy of Tamarack Resort]


Tamarack Conditions Report

Tamarack has now broken its all-time deepest snow depth at the summit. It is now 122″ deep, beating the former record set in the 2007/08 season.

Its going to be a real treat out there today! This season is shaping up to be one of best on record for slaying pow. Come on up and join us, it is almost not fair having this much snow all to yourself! Bring your buddies because sharing is caring.

On another note please make sure and ski with a buddy. The tree wells are deep and this light fluffy snow can be a real bugger to dig yourself out of. Keep eyes on your partners as well as letting out whoops and hollers. This not only signifies how rad it is, but lets everyone know your doing well.

Find out more here: Tamarack Resort