A vehicle is rammed by a bull elk.
A vehicle is rammed by a bull elk.

Like the Rocky Mountains in the Untied States, the Canadian Rocky Mountains offer a vast landscape of incredible views, plant life, and plenty of recreation. Of course that comes with a huge amount of wildlife in birds, fish, mammals, and more. The mountains are home to small mammals like marmots, pikas, and squirrels, large carnivores like wolves, mountain lions, and bears, and hooved mammals like mountain goats, big horn sheep, and elk.

During the rutting season, tourists from all over are pulled in with the sole goal of witnessing bull elk during their mating season. Running from mid-August to mid-October, the elk rut is known for brutal elk on elk battles, massive antlers, and the stunning sound of the elk bugle. But bull elk also tend to be more agressive during this period and they need to be well respected. The people driving the car in this video failed to respect a large bull elk and they were taught a lesson.

Elk should always be given plenty of space. The exact amount necessary might depend on location but the Town of Banff requires at least 30 meters. Being inside a car does not save someone from the risk of a bull elk charging. An angry bull elk can do plenty of costly damage to a vehicle so ensuring that you don’t put your car between a male and nearby females is vital.

The Town of Banff Elk Rut Guidelines:

What you need to know:

  • Keep at least 30 metres away from all elk and never get between a male and the females.
  • Bull elk become extremely aggressive protecting their harems during the mating season.
  • Do not park your vehicle between a male and the females; elk may charge at your vehicle, which may result in damage.

Tips on how to avoid and handle elk encounters: 

  • Travel in a group.
  • Watch for elk at all times and detour around them.
  • If possible walk around elk on the high side of a slope or up-hill.
  • Stay back at least 30 metres.
  • Keep your dog on a leash at all times. unleashed dog may prompt an elk to become aggressive as they view the dog as a predator (wolf or coyote).
  • Carry pepper spray, a walking stick or an umbrella as protection.
  • Act dominant if an elk gets too close. Raise your arms or any big object (jacket or umbrella) to make yourself appear larger, maintain eye contact, and never turn your back or run. Climb a tree or keep an object, like a tree or large rock, between you and the elk. Back slowly out of the area. Warn other hikers of an elk ahead and report the incident immediately to Parks Canada dispatch at 403.762.1470.
  • If you are knocked down or fall, get up and try to move to cover or use an object to protect yourself. DO NOT PLAY DEAD.
  • More information about elk from Parks Canada.

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