Along with managing 193 million acres of public lands in national forests and grasslands, the US Forest Service (USFS) also has a mission is to identify and conduct innovative wood and fiber utilization. Research conducted at the The Forest Products Laboratory in collaboration with the USDA contributes to conservation and productivity of the forest resource, which in turn helps sustaining forests, the economy, and quality of life.
Here’s a quick look into biocides research project at the lab with Katie Chino. Biocides are chemicals or biological products used to control bacteria, viruses or fungi. Katie is experimenting to better understand copper-tolerant fungi’s effect on preservative treated wood that uses copper as a co-biocide.
About Forest Products Laboratory:
For over 100 years our research has touched the daily lives of people across the country as we look at ways to use the Nation’s wood resources wisely and efficiently, while keeping forests healthy.
Integral to the mission and strategic plans and goals of the United States Department of Agriculture and directly aligned with the mission and emerging research areas of the US Forest Service Strategic Plan, Forest Products Laboratory Leadership and Scientists ensure that the needs of society are being met through the focusing of its research initiatives in the 5 research emphasis areas that are defined as: