“I’ve got broken ribs on my right side, and it’s gone now but I had a lovely snow rash over here. My helmet is cracked and I definitely got my bell rung.” –Karen Levy
Disturbing story from the slopes of Mt. Bachelor in Oregon where a skier was hit while skiing through a high traffic area and knocked unconscious. Instead of stopping and making sure Karen Levy was okay, the offending skier took off while Karen rolled into a treewell where she stayed until a bystander found her and called ski patrol.
Levy suffered broken ribs, snow rashes on her face and a concussion. She says the healing process is going well and she hopes get back out skiing before this season is over. Mt. Bachelor stated breaking the skier responsibility code could result in suspension of passes. The skier who hit her has not been identified.
Sending our well wishes to Karen and we encourage anyone with information pertaining to the identity of the skier that hit her to reach out to Mt. Bachelor.