A tragic incident took place at Tremblant, an Alterra-operated resort near Montreal, resulting in the loss of one life and the critical condition of another individual. The incident involved a collision between a gondola cabin and construction equipment, occurring midway up the mountain at approximately 11:30 AM on Sunday. As a consequence of the collision, two adult riders fell to the ground while the cabin remained attached to the haul rope.

Emergency services promptly transported both individuals to the hospital, unfortunately, one of them succumbed to their injuries. Fortunately, the remaining riders on the lift were safely evacuated without sustaining any further harm. The incident occurred on the Panoramic Gondola, one of the three gondola systems at Tremblant.

The specific gondola involved in the accident was constructed by Doppelmayr in 1998, and its cabins were supplied by Gangloff.

Message from Tremblant

To our entire community

Today, Sunday, July 16, an accident took place in Tremblant, involving the panoramic cable car and construction machinery operated by a third party. We regret to confirm, following the announcement of Süreté du Quebec, the death of one of the two victims, while the other was transferred to a hospital.

We are deeply saddened by this situation and Station Mont Tremblant offers its sincere sympathies to everyone involved.

The cable car remains closed until further notice.

Thank you for your understanding.
