“The shark clearly was trying to feed on a school of fish. And it made its way back out and down the coast.” –Cristy McCallie Cox

A shark was spotted swimming near the shore of a crowded Florida beach that sent swimmers in a mad dash for shore. The video taken by Cristy McCallie Cox at Navarre, Florida near Pensacola on the 3rd of July is alarming to be sure but shark sightings in the area not uncommon. Pensacola News Journal spoke with Beach Safety Director Austin Turnbill who said there’s usually no reason for alarm when sharks are spotted:

“There’s sharks in the Gulf, everywhere. We see sharks almost every day and there’s nothing to be alarmed of for 99.9% of the time.”

Director Turnbill advised that when sharks do act aggressively its typically while they are chasing big game fish and when they do they will calmly clear the water and give the sharks plenty of room to hunt.

I do appreciate his confidence as to the swimmers safety but seeing that telltale dorsal fin prowling between swimmers gets my blood pumping.

RELATED: Fisherman Nearly Knocked Off Kayak By Ramming Shark

When enjoying Florida’s stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters, it’s important to keep shark safety in mind. Here are the top five tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience:

  1. Swim in designated areas: Stick to beaches with lifeguards and swim within marked areas. These spots are regularly monitored, and lifeguards can warn swimmers of any shark sightings or potentially dangerous conditions.
  2. Avoid swimming during dawn and dusk: Sharks are more active during these periods, so it’s best to avoid swimming at times when their hunting instincts are heightened.
  3. Stay in groups: Sharks are more likely to target individuals swimming alone. By staying in groups, you reduce the risk of becoming a target for these predators.
  4. Leave shiny jewelry at home: Sharks are attracted to shiny objects that resemble fish scales, so it’s best to leave jewelry, watches, and reflective items behind to avoid catching their attention.
  5. Do not swim near fishing areas or schools of fish: These locations are often frequented by sharks in search of an easy meal. Be aware of your surroundings and avoid swimming in areas where fishing activity or large schools of fish are present.

Remember, while shark attacks are rare, following these safety tips will help minimize any potential risks and ensure a memorable and worry-free experience in Florida’s beautiful waters.

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