For those of us who like keeping some sort of entertainment on in the background, the greatest livestream is back up and running. That’s right, Bear Cam in Katmai National Park, hosted by, is back up and running, with a few Fat Bear Competition legends already returning to the spotlight.

If you’ve missed out in previous years and have no idea what I’m talking about, Bear Cam is a series of live cameras set up around the Brooks Falls area in Alaska’s Katmai National Park, a region known to host a very large number of Brown Bears often actively fishing in the water. It’s also where the contestants of the incredible Fat Bear Week can be found, feeding on plenty of fish while gearing up for the Fall competition.

This year, the Bear Cam returns with three new cameras, a new Brook falls camera, new Riffles camera, and a new Kats River View camera. The incredibly large reigning champion, Bear 747 (a.k.a. Bear Force One) has been spotted in the falls. Despite the fact that the cameras went live just three days ago, on June 16, footage already exists of him hobbling up a hill on the Twitter.

Other bears already spotted include 909 or 910’s junior as the first sighting of the season, and Grazer’s two adult offspring hanging out in some brush. To explore the wonders of these live cams, head over the website. If you’re completely new to the Bear Cam scene and are looking for a recap or an internet rabbit hole to dive into, head over to the Bearcams Wiki, where the activities of every bear are documented.

Featured Image Credit: Explore Live Nature Cams via YouTube