“This is what I recommend to you. If you have someone who you think is the one, don’t just do what you think in your ordinary mind, and say let’s make a plan, let’s have a date, let’s then make a party we’ll get married. Take that person, and buy a plane ticket, and travel all around the world. Go to places that are hard to get to, and hard to get out of, and when you come back, and you land at JFK, and when you land at JFK, you’re still in love with that person, get married at the airport.” –Bill Murray
Bill Murray’s advice on finding the right life partner might seem extreme but if you think its true, Zoë Agasi and Olivier Van Herck are a match made in heaven. They set out 4 years ago on a round the world human powered only trip covering 25,476 miles and 25 countries by way of hiking, biking, sailing, canoeing, snow skiing and a final roller-skiing leg as featured in the video below. They certainly put the cross country in cross country skiing. Truly an epic journey. The next plan: they’re writing a book…MORE INFO HERE.
images from weleaf.nl IG