A part of a major road in Yosemite National Park is now closed and will remain so until mid-June and potentially into July. The park shut down a section of Highway 120 (Big Oak Flat Road) after a 200 feet long and up to 4 feet deep crack developed on the pavement.
Yosemite reports the road surface has also moved 2 to 3 inches and the embankment below has shifted as much as 15 feet. If you’re planning to head to the park, head the statement below for alternate routes:
Yosemite National Park
Big Oak Flat Road (continuation of Highway 120 west into Yosemite) is closed from just inside the park boundary to Merced Grove. The road will be closed at least until mid-June and possibly into July.
We are working with the Federal Highway Administration to start repairs as soon as possible.
Visitors entering Yosemite via Highway 120 from the west can reach Hodgdon Meadow and Hetch Hetchy, but not other areas of the park (including Yosemite Valley).
From Yosemite Valley, visitors can drive up the Big Oak Flat Road to reach the Tuolumne and Merced Groves of Giant Sequoias.