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WATCH: Dan Egan Could Have Used A Helmet In This Vintage Clip

Why did it take so long for skiers and snowboarders to figure out that wearing a helmet is a good idea?

I mean, think about it. Helmets have existed for motorcycles, cycling, skateboarding, and other extreme sports for decades.

It’s even crazier to think how many people still send themselves flying down the slopes without any form of head protection. I just don’t get it.

Check out this clip of legendary skier Dan Egan taking a serious tumble in Fernice, BC while filming for Warren Miller’s 1991 flick ‘The Extreme Dream”.

He even titled the video: ‘Could have used a helmet in the 1990s’

It’s not that hard, folks. Just wear a damn helmet.

Helmets are more affordable than ever these days, and guess what…! They’re actually cool.

Just look at your favorite pro skiers and riders. Odds are that they were a bucket, and so should you.

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.

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