Our friends over at The Daily Pow are season passholders at Alta Ski Area, and they were front-and-center for the opening day festivities on Friday, November 18th, 2022.
Alta has already seen 100-inches of snowfall on the season, and much of their terrain was left untracked by the uphillers who earned their turns in the days proceeding the official opening.
Take a look at The Daily Pow’s short, yet fantastic edit of their opening day experience at THE Alta Ski Area, UT. Enjoy!
The Daily Pow:“After last week’s super busy Big Cottonwood opening, we were expecting similar crowds today in LCC. But when we hit the canyon around 8:15am there were no cars in front of us or behind. The parking lots were close to empty. The best explanation I could come up with was that a lot of people didn’t realize Alta chose to leave the 32″ from last week untouched, for us, the much appreciated locals!
I’m no Alta opening day historian, but I can’t remember a time when so much untracked powder was available right from the get-go. The High Traverse and Backside were open immediately and Baldy Shoulder also opened. It was a powder bonanza.
We started out the day with a High Boy. I skied it top to bottom and it was fast and soft and smooth and there were no issues carrying as much speed as possible. Then we spun a couple of laps with Brandon from Alta’s front office, more soft smooth pow. Thirds to Bombay was actually really good for so late in the morning. Next was the Shoulder. Nate hit a line down Bad News and I hit a tiny cliff with a thick landing that bucked me and I ended up pulling my shoulder muscle really bad as I crashed. Apparently I suck at landing cliffs. I still can’t lift my arm up without pain. Oh well. We ended on West Rustler.
I would confidently say this was the best opening day in recent memory. Blue skies, lots of snow, and minimal crowds. Alta 2022-2023 winter kicked off with a bang!”