The 2022-23 winter predictions have been out and about for a good bit now. We discussed the Farmer’s Almanac’s predictions and Direct Weather’s predictions in early August, and they showed some interesting things for the upcoming season. But the Old Farmer’s Almanac was just dropped, so we need to discuss that.

First of all, if you’re reading this and thinking, “wait, the Old Farmer’s Almanac? What the hell is that?”, I’m going to try to clear up any possible confusion. The Old Farmer’s Almanac was founded in Lewiston, Maine in 1792, while the Farmer’s Almanac was founded in 1818 in Dublin, New Hampshire, according to Infographic Journal.

But the founding dates don’t really matter here. Most importantly, there’s a difference in how the future weather is predicted. While the Farmer’s Almanac uses a mathematical formula by founder David Young, taking solar activity, lunar tidal activity, and the planetary positions into consideration, the Old Farmer’s Almanac considers solar activity, prevailing weather patterns, and meteorology. The Old Farmer’s Almanac now considers satellite data, jet-stream patterns, and ocean temperature records while the Farmer’s Almanac hasn’t incorporated any new technology into its predictions.

Is one of these techniques more accurate than the other? I have absolutely no idea. They’re both season long predictions, something nearly impossible to actually get right. But it’s still fun to look at and celebrate when one of them says you’re going to have a killer ski season. Enough of this, let’s get on to what the Old Farmer’s Almanac actually says!

Prepare for “A Tale Of Two Winters”

According to this season’s predictions, the United States is going to see two very different winters. Parts of Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas, as well as everything west of those states, will see rather mild weather, with some portions receiving heavy snow, some staying wet, and some remaining dry. Nearly everything East of Rocky Mountains can expect a cold winter, staying either fairly dry or very snowy, with only a portion of northern Maine receiving mild weather.

“Depending on where you live, this will be the best of winters or memorable for all the wrong reasons. One half of the country will deal with bone-chilling cold and loads of snow, while the other half may feel like winter never really arrives.”Janice Stillman, editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac

New England and northern New York ski resorts should see an above average amount of snowfall, except for those located in the far north. Ski mountains in the intermountain west should also expect a higher-than-average amount of snowfall, but should also expect warmer weather than normal. All in all, for the major ski resorts of North America, the winter looks pretty good.

“Sneaky Cold” For Canada

Our Canadian readers can expect a fairly frigid winter if they trust the Old Farmer’s Almanac, but a series of surprise freeze bouts will strike the country throughout the season.

“Frosty, frigid, freezing … however you say ‘cold,’ that’s what’s in store for most Canadians this winter. But as an added ‘bonus,’ we also expect a number of unusual mini-deep-freezes throughout many parts of the country, which will sneak up and surprise with their intensity.” – Janice Stillman, editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac

Atlantic Canada and southern Quebec can expect heavy amounts of snowfall, with several major snowstorms slamming the region. British Columbia, on the other hand, may want to prepare for a wet winter, rather than a white one. Sorry Whistler skiers, things just might not go your way this year.

You can order your copy of the 2023 Old Farmer’s Almanac here.

Image Credit: The Old Farmer’s Almanac on Instagram

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