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FAR BETWEEN: A short ski film by Finlay Woods and Craig Murray

Tasty midsummer shred flick from the good folks over at Matchstick Productions featuring Finlay Woods and Craig Murray who managed to put together a patchwork of clips spanning 6 months and half the globe. If you enjoy this stay tuned for the MSP film Anywhere From Here dropping this fall which will include Finlay and Craig: 

“Separated by the mighty Pacific and 6 months, Far Between is a collection of just that, moments few and far between. Getting just one satisfactory clip can be a day’s work. Traveling into the backcountry, getting lucky with conditions, and striking weather windows right is a fine art. Doing this with one friend in two opposing corners of the globe makes things even harder to line up. The distance, time or a cracked sternum didn’t detour Finlay Woods and Craig Murray and with clips from both sides of the equator we present: Far Between.”

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