Title sounds insane but it is a legitimate question in the mind of a filmer who spends his time documenting shark human interactions off the coast of Southern California. As the water warms, more sharks are now appearing along the coast and FAA certified drone pilot/Youtuber The Malibu Artist was buzzing around capturing just how comfortable some folks are in their presence.

I am a professional photographer and FAA certified drone pilot based in Southern California. My work has been featured on National Geographic & Discovery Channel as well as a host of other media. This channel is mainly about my drone captures above the ocean. In July 2020, I started this channel as an effort to educate and provide information about marine life from an aerial perspective. The focus is primarily on white sharks. I’m NOT a marine biologist or naturalist. I encourage independent verification of facts via scientific channels. I will strive to post citations for any information I discuss on YouTube whenever possible. My goal is to use photography and drones to bring awareness to wildlife and the nature around us. I welcome collaborations with scientists whenever possible. I aim to bring cinematic elements to the educational presentation. Follow me on Instagram @themalibuartist or visit my business website TheMalibuArtist.com

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