This Siberian Husky named Sakari looked to be quite at home encased in snow after a storm up in Riverview, New Brunswick, Canada. The breed’s origins go back 3,000 years to the Chukchi people, a semi-nomadic tribe in Siberia, who wanted to expand their hunting grounds and bred them to help pull their sleds long distances. Siberian Huskies have a double coat composed of an extremely thick short undercoat to retain body heat and a long outer coat that is water-resistant. As you
“My fiancé, Phil, and I adopted Sakari 3 weeks ago. She is a 6 year old purebred Siberian Husky. She spent the last 3 years as a breeding kennel dog with limited human socialization. She has slowly been coming out of her shell with us and showing us her amazing loving personality. She loves my 13 year old pitbull/lab mix. She loves us and my nieces and nephew. This is a video of her thoroughly enjoying the snow and being loved on. She did not get to go outside much over the last 3 years so every time she goes out, it’s very clear that she is in her glory.”