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WATCH: Wind Strong Enough to Blow Fisherman Across Frozen Lake

Ooooooh, so that’s how ice fisherman have fun… This all makes sense now.

I’ve driven by hundreds of ice fisherman since I moved to Wisconsin, and I’ve always wondered how in the hell is that even fun? I still don’t really know the answer to that question, but this guy’s solution to a bad day of fishing sure seems like a good time.

Just need some 50mph winds, some really slick ice, and a good ice fishing stool.

“Occurred on December 18, 2020 / Calgary, Alberta, Canada “The video was taken while I and my good friend Chad Bullock was ice fishing last year on a mountain lake. When the lakes first freeze, the surface is very slippery as the ice hasn’t accumulated any snow yet. On this particular day, the winds hit close to 80km/hr. Because of this, the fishing was slow. After we reinforced our gear so it wouldn’t blow away, I got the idea from a story my father had told me from his youth, to allow the wind to push me down the frozen lake white sitting on my ice fishing stool. It was a blast.”

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