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Think You Could Survive -39F Extreme Winter Camping?

Check out this guy’s sweet set up to brave conditions at -39C (-38.2F). The description states that wind chills were as low as -50C (-58F). Wild.

There’s absolutely no commentary in this video, yet I couldn’t stop watching. My sense of envy for this man grew as I realized how simply beautiful life in a tent in sub-zero temps must be.

He’s definitely tapping into whatever survival instincts we have left in our DNA. Living like this is extremely primitive, but it must be somewhat freeing to only worry about survival in a weird way.

Would you camp like this guy if you could? If so, where would you pitch your tent?

Video Uploaded By: UPNORTHOF60:Extreme cold temperatures reach -39C while winter camping in a hot tent with -50c windchill warnings issued.”

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