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BASE Jumpers Use Homemade Rope Swing To Launch Over Cliff

The aptly titled YouTube channel Adrenaline Addiction recently uploaded a video of a casual BASE jumping session off a massive cliff in Brazil that still has my palms sweating as I’m typing this blog.

The video ends up being the ultimate BASE jumping bro session as the guys try their hardest to do as many tandem jumps that involve man to man body contact and plentiful exchanges ‘I love you, man!’

I don’t know what’s crazier in this video, the fact that they’re jumping off this cliff more than five times in a day, or that they felt the need to build a sketchy-ass rope swing because the cliff itself wasn’t enough to fulfill their desires for copious amounts of adrenaline.

Pulling a tandem gainer with your legs around your bro over a 2,000’+ cliff in Brazil must be the ultimate bond. How could a significant other ever be expected to replicate that feeling? 😉

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