The Utah Olympic Park in Park City, Utah is usually a facility for the Americas Winter Olympians. With the Utah Olympic Park opening a high diving facility at their massive pool last Friday though, they are becoming to expand their reach to their summer counterparts. This jumping platform is the first high diving training facility above ten meters in the United States. According to KSL, the tallest jump is at twenty-seven meters tall, or about eighty-nine feet without the metric system as your guide. The fall takes about three seconds, and you can reach speeds of up to fifty miles per hour. After the ribbon-cutting, professional diver and Olympian Owen Weymouth was the first diver to hit the ninety-foot jump.

More details about the jumps are from the Utah Olympic Parks announcement from June:

“The platform will have nine take-off points: 3, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, and 27 meters. This will be the first training facility in the United States to have a platform higher than ten meters. It will also be the first in the world to have platforms increasing by 2.5 meters from 3-20 meters, creating the optimal learning environment for complete beginners to pro athletes.”

Fun to watch, but probably a terrifying experience unless you’re a professional. Based on the challenge and risk of these jumps, it will not be open to the general public. The Utah Olympic Park is currently open for tours and other various attractions and activities though.

Image Credits: The Park Record, Utah Olympic Park, @owenweymouthcliffdive