If you’re like me you rich history of cracked screens from incidental radness, until you bought an effective but clunky protective case that takes the sleekness out of the design and actually looks kind of dumb. But now we might have an alternative in the for of this “mobile phone airbag” developed by Philip Frenzel, an engineer at Aalen University in Germany.

The invention took top prize at a contest for students held by the German Society for Mechatronics. No word if he has any plans to go into production but this clever little phone saver would absolutely kill it on kickstarter.

[protected-iframe id=”5e2c52ab55dc4928596e45ba4d172b5a-65244901-70298638″ info=”https://www.swr.de/landesschau-bw/smartphone-airbag-aus-aalen-schwaebische-erfindung-rettet-handys/-/id=13831150/did=21871690/pv=embedded/1v8abhh/index.html” width=”512″ height=”288″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” allowfullscreen=””]

images from pre-view-online.com