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According to a 1990 article by People Magazine, it all came to head outside Bonnie’s mountainside restaurant in Aspen when Donald’s wife at the time, Ivana, confronted his then mistress and future second wife ,Maria Maples, for trying to move in on her man.

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The women were seen outside the restaurant arguing. Witnesses overheard Ivana proclaiming, “You bitch, leave my husband alone.”

The next part is no joke, straight out of a cheesy 80’s movie:

“Trump, who was sitting within earshot putting on his skis, took off down the mountain. Wrong move: Ivana is an excellent skier; Donald is not. When the formidable Czech pushed off in hot pursuit, fascinated observers swear they saw her whip in front of Donald and then ski backwards down the slopes, wagging her finger in his face.”

A little background….apparently Trump had enough bravado at the time to book the 26 year old actress-model Maria Maples a room at the same resort he and his wife were spending their Christmas vacation. Ivana obviously took issue with it and didn’t have a problem confronting them both mid-mountain.

…whether or not any of this is true, we can’t confirm but we can confirm Ivana has impeccable taste in ski wear.


[cover img: / pinterest]