Krazy Canadian Facebook
Photo Credit: Krazy Canadian Facebook Page | Cover Photo: Pink Bike

Known for his freewheeling snowmobiling antics, Daniel Davidoff aka “Krazy Canadian” is dead after falling victim to an avalanche near his hometown of Castlegar, British Columbia reports CFJC Today. 

Davidoff was snowmobiling alone at the time of the accident and his disappearance was eventually reported after he failed to return from his trip into the backcountry. On Tuesday,  search and rescue personnel located his body near College Creek Forestry Rd and surmised that the snowmobiling icon had been struck by an avalanche.

An Icon:

Daniel Davidoff was often considered the best hillclimber in snowmobiling and he will be missed by his friends, family, and the snowmobiling community as a whole.

*Rest in peace

Find the entire CFJC Today article here: Popular daredevil snowmobiler ‘Krazy Canadian’ killed in B.C. avalanche

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