Photo Credit: Christian Jansky via Wikimedia Commons
Photo Credit: Christian Jansky via Wikimedia Commons
Photo Credit: Christian Jansky via Wikimedia Commons

Bode Miller will not race this year competitively and that’s unfortunate for ski racing as a whole. Not only does Bode bring extra cameras to the race, he brings an attitude all his own. However, that go for broke attitude will be forerunning a go for broke race– The Birds of Prey downhill course at Beaver Creek.

Forerunning races is usually a conservative effort but looking at Bode’s past, he is anything but conservative in his racing style.

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Related: Bode Miller Does His Best James Bond In This New Ad For Bomber Skis

However, we will get a bird’s-eye view of Bode’s forerunning effort as he will have POV cameras attached to himself for the run according to an article in the Telegraph.

Bode recently told the Associated Press, “I have no doubt I can still be relevant. It’s just a matter of managing it with the rest of my priorities.”

Stay up to date for a future post featuring the footage as well as updates on Miller’s ski racing career.