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Drone Start-Up Wants To Plant 1Billion Trees A Year and They Have A Plan

“Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men’s blood” – Daniel Burnham

Incredibly ambitious plan proposed by this startup.  What isn’t covered in the video is how they plan on firing little seed bullets into the ground after mapping areas and calculating the best place to plant. Check the figure below…

“We use emerging technologies to deliver precision planting and mapping to increase the uptake rates and the likelihood of healthy forest development.

 There are a variety of tree-planting techniques, including planting by hand and delivering dry seeds by air. However, hand-planting is slow and expensive, and spreading dry seeds results in low uptake rates.

Our solution balances these two methods. First, by planting germinated seeds using precision agriculture techniques, we increase uptake rates. Second, our scalable, automated technology significantly reduces the manpower requirements and costs. Finally, our mapping UAVs will also provide invaluable intelligence on planting patterns, landscape design and appropriate timing.”

Really cool cutting edge stuff right there.

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