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Bomb Snow TV S2 E3- Taming Strange

Bomb Snow TV S2 E3- Taming Strange

“This winter brought change to some of the Bomb Snow crew members as they decided to split off from Montana and join the full-time RV life with some friendly folks in Washington State. Sean, Mark and Tyler decided to buy a camper and move to Steven’s Pass in order to pursue their dreams of living in a van up on the mountain.

The parking lot life was a new adventure in itself. Beautiful in it’s simplicity, life was good. Eat, shovel, snowboard, sleep, repeat. Jibbing logs, airing RV’s, and bonking houses in order to get by while the low tide hung around indefinitely was part of their daily routine. Fresh terrain, endless campfires and weekend mayhem ensued and then a quick trip back to Montana for a refreshing couple weeks of the light stuff.” – 

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