Photo Credit: nowthatsnifty
Moustache’s are not just worn by cops, perverts and dignified middle-aged men these days. Every November across the U.S. and the world men now grow out their “Mo’s” to help raise funds and awareness for men’s health. Movember is the campaign that has spearheaded this effort, an effort that has grown many times each year since its been in existence not only speaking men’s health on a macro level, but specially situated to the effects of prostate cancer, and other cancers that affect men.
Photo Credit: all-that-is-man
Symbolically November has become “Movember” in honor of those who are willing to let their stache’s grow. What you need to do to get involved is register at on the 1st of November with a clean-shaven face. Then, for the rest of “Movember” do what ever is necessary to sport the finest moustache you can possibly grow. By doing this you will become known as a “Mo Bro” . Women, known as Mo Sistas, are encouraged to support their Mo Bros as they raise funds through various sponsorship opportunities.
Photo Credit: eurotash
Straight from the website’s stache: Mo Bros effectively become walking, talking billboards for the 30 days of November. Through their actions and words they raise awareness by prompting private and public conversation around the often ignored issue of men’s health. At the end of the month, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas celebrate their gallantry and valor by either throwing their own Movember party or attending one of the infamous Gala Partés held around the world by Movember, for Movember.
Movember – a global movement
Since its humble beginnings in Melbourne Australia, Movember has grown to become a truly global movement inspiring more than 1.1 Million Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to participate with formal campaigns in Australia, New Zealand, the US, Canada, the UK, Finland, the Netherlands, Spain, South Africa and Ireland. In addition, Movember is aware of Mo Bros and Mo Sistas supporting the campaign and men’s health cause across the globe, from Russia to Dubai, Hong Kong to Antarctica, Rio de Janeiro to Mumbai, and everywhere in between.
No matter the country or city, Movember will continue to work to change established habits and attitudes men have about their health, to educate men about the health risks they face, and to act on that knowledge, thereby increasing the chances of early detection, diagnosis and effective treatment.
In 2010, over 64,500 US Mo Bros and Mo Sistas got on board, raising $7.5 million USD.
Big steps have been taken towards changing attitudes and habits relating to men’s health around the world, but there is still much to be done to catch up with the women’s health movement. Via the moustache, Movember aims to fulfill its vision of having an everlasting impact on the face of men’s health by continuing to spark conversation and spread awareness of men’s health issues each year.
Photo Credit: wickedmonkeys
For more information and to get involved visit As a son of a father that battled with prostate cancer for 17 years of his life, finally succumbing to the disease a few years back, I can personally attest to the importance of anything done to foster greater awareness around such issues that impact the lives of men and their families. So check out the website, lend Movemeber some form of help, no matter how minuscule you may think it is, and share some support towards this incredibly worthy cause.