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Old Spice Swagger: Unofficial Review

Old Spice

I know smelling good is not the first thing on the minds of most skiers out there. Skiers are usually most interested in Skiing Pow, Getting Rad and chasing members of the opposite sex. The thing is, if you smell good it does not hurt you in the first two activities previously mentioned and it will help you enormously with the third.

Enter Old Spice Swagger. Yeah I admit I was tricked into buying some by the catchy commercial below, but this stuff is pretty awesome! I have been sporting it for a week or two and have gotten more compliments on my stank then ever before in my life.

Think about it guys. Anything that helps increase your chances in a ski town is something you don’t want to snub. Buy some Old Spice Swagger, actually wear it, and good things will happen to you.

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