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White Wolf and Homewood | The Missing Links | Will Tahoe Eventually Be Home To A European Style Ski Center?


Could it be that the merger between Squaw and Alpine is just the beginning, and ultimately a chairlift linked mountain metropolis, Euro-style, that starts in Squaw and ends in Homewood is what’s really going on?

If you read through some of the incredibly entertaining comments from any of the the recent articles we’ve posted about the merger, linked here, here, and here, you’ll see there’s comments from some old-school Tahoe locals about this merger being talked about for decades. You’ll even get a few here.

You know what else has been speculated about for decades?

A European style ski area that starts in Squaw and ends at Homewood. No joke. Ask any local who’s been around for at least 5-10 years, and chances are they’ve heard it from someone that’s been around longer. This rumor has been floating around for as long as the Alpine-Squaw merger has.

Photo Credit:

So just think about it for a minute. As we reported this summer, Homewood is trying to expand. JMA is still going to run Homewood and still has a stake in what goes down with Alpine.

Photo Credit: Homewood From The Air

KSL obviously means business. Look at what they’ve done since stepping in. With the acquisition of Alpine, it seems that it’s only a matter of time before they get ole Troy-boy to sell White Wolf. That would mean you could technically ski with lift service from Granite Chief, all the way to Twin Peaks on the West Shore (after any easy traverse/hike from the Sherwood Chair).

White Wolf

Add a few more lifts heading south towards Homewood, around Barker Pass, and you can see that it’s not really all that far off of a possibility. What’s more is if you look at the maps, you’ll see the whole zone we’re talking about is somewhat framed by Granite Chief Wilderness and Desolation Wilderness. No lifts or development would go on there, but look at the rest of the area in question.

Can you see it?  The Potential is 100% there.

And for the record, we are not saying that this is going to be announced today, next week, or next year. The truth of the matter is when the topic of a potential Squaw-Alpine merger was brought up in the 80’s, 90’s, or 2000’s, more often than not, the next speculation that followed was the vision of transplanting a European vibe to Tahoe via a Squaw-to-Alpine-to-Homewood linkup.

That said, the only questions are,

1. Is this something people would want to see happen?

2. Is this merger really just a major step in the direction towards an actualized Tahoe-Eurovillage resort ?

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