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The Line of the Week: Lake Tahoe, California – Baby!

Snowboarding into Lake Tahoe - Dane Shannon

Photo’s by Ryan Salm
Words by Dane Shannon and Ryan Salm
Skier – Dane Shannon
Extra Special Thanks to Sara Mancuso, Lauren, Ellie, Ellen, Celine, Brooke, Lynn, Katie, Kendra, Janelle, Bequi, Megan & the Fuzzy Pink Elephant.

Junuary 9th, 2011
Remember the snow? It seems like forever since the last freshies fell. Does that mean we can’t find new ways to have fun?
It’s time for this week’s, “Line of the Week”.

Snowboarding into Lake Tahoe - Dane Shannon

Fun aside, make no mistake about this line’s difficulty. There’s no harder line in the ski world than blasting through 12 bikini-clad girls (who aren’t being paid) straight into Lake Tahoe. (*side note- Good luck even trying to find 12 girls in the same place in Tahoe, nonetheless ones who are willing to don a bikini and no shoes in the middle of winter. PS, my local girls are way hotter than your local girls.)

While walking along the beach, updating my facebook status bemoaning the lack of snow, I looked up from my phone and noticed an untouched line leading straight to the water. The conditions were made even sweeter by a bevy of beautiful girls who happened to be conducting a snow dance directly adjacent to my line. Not believing my luck, I immediately sprinted full speed to my house, grabbed my snowboard and called Ryan up to tell him of this incredible line on Skylandia Beach. If we hurried, he might be able capture the craziest line laid down all year. Hustling back to the beach, I knew I had only one chance to get this right. I strapped my bindings down tight and summoning my courage, took a deep breath and dropped in.

With a tight run in through sun-baked, sand-splattered snow I bombed my way through the couloir of beautiful women. As I approached the end of the line I sent the largest kicker ever built out of a log and snow into a lake. I glided out at least 5 feet before submerging into the choppy, wind buffed water and fell back to let the refreshing waters of Lake of Tahoe take me in. I was stoked. I just snowboarded the line of the gods. Successful in my mission, ULLR will surely reward my act of honor with a few epic months of snow for everyone!

Snowboarding into Lake Tahoe - Dane Shannon

The Line of the Week will be a weekly photo piece by Ryan Salm featuring some of Tahoe’s finest skiers skiing whatever we deem rad. We will be using the term “Line” loosely to describe anything resembling chutes, big airs, pointers or any general madness. For more of Ryan work, check out

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