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there is a STORM in the FORECAST!!!

no snow in tahoe

Alright, we are really hurting now. It hasn’t snowed significantly since January 1st and today is the 5th of February. That’s 35 days since we’ve truly had ‘good’ conditions at Squaw and it’s becoming a sore subject. I genuinely don’t care how much fun you’re having in the park…it’s lame. I want Powder and I want a lot of it. It’s damn near mid-February, it should be nuking cold smoke, I should be throwing snowballs at my buddies mid-line on The Fingers, and The Fingers don’t even have snow on ’em. I was going to ask Squaw to be my Valentine. At this rate, I’m not even gonna give her the eye this year.

For the past 35 days, I’ve been sifting thru forecasts, computer models, forecast discussions, and farmers almanacs looking for any form of a reflection of a glimmer of hope. I’ve found nothing except “maybe in two weeks” for the past 6 weeks.

Today, for the first time, there does seem to be something. And as you significantly overly educated ski bums know something is a helluva lot more than nothing.

Where on God’s Green Earth does that reflection of a glimmer exist? It exists in the form of a countdown. And who doesn’t love a countdown? is now giving us a countdown…It looks like we’ll be getting SOMETHING in 7-10 days from now? Good Lord, I hope so.

What He is saying is somewhat specific and involves the plural of the word ‘storm’.

“We are still 7-10 days away, but consistency is improving with the possibility that we have a week straight of storms the 14th-21st. Then if the ridge does shift a little further North towards the Aleutians we could see undercutting of the jetstream and a second week of snowfall the 4th week of February.”

This means when this “storm” comes, it’ll have been 45 days between storm cycles.  FML.

I am a desparate man, that much is true.  I am going to cling onto this forecast with everything I’ve got. A forecast death grip, if you will. Because misaligned hope is better than no hope at all. And just imagine, what if it does come back? What if it gets actually good again? Are you gonna hold anything back? Are you gonna think “Oh, I could totally hit that today, but it’s still soooo early in the season, bro, I’ll just, like, wait for it to fill in more” like a wuss? No.  No you’re not. You’re gonna see it, call it out, and send it!!

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