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Big Ups to our local heros!!!

Robert Hurly, Sick Board, North Face Masters, Snowbird, Snowboarding

Robert Hurley, Snowboarding, North Face Masters, Sick Board

The above photo shows a very stoked and somewhat drunk Robert Hurley, co-founder of Sendit, receiving the first ever Sick Board Award. Hurley has been my boy for years and he is by far my favorite snowboarder to ride with. He crushed it so hard at the North Face Masters Comp that they had to invent a new award to give him. After successfully stomping Femur Rock (I have never even seen a snowboarder try to hit it before), Hurley stepped it up with an insane backflip off a cliff he had never even looked at before. Check out his video on the North Face Masters Site. (You have to scroll down a little.) Now it is time for the rest of the boarders to start stepping it up a bit. Sendit!

Local rip-star skier Angel Collinson just crushed it on the Nissan Euro Tour, by taking first at the Chamonix Comp on the Mont-Blanc. These Euros really don’t like to give an American first place, so Angel really destroyed the other girls. Way to represent LCC Angel. Check it:

Yeah I know this Frenchy isn’t a local, but Aurelien Ducroz is the man! I have competed with him in the past and he is something to watch. He split the title at the Snowbird Comp a few years back with local mega skier Drew Tabke. If Joey (see article) thinks we suck I think he should watch this video and then go fist himself.

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